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Insteon 2466SW ToggleLinc Relay Insteon Remote Control On/Off Switch Non-Dimming, White





Turn fixtures on or off wirelessly from Insteon wireless remotes, motion sensors, keypads and more (devices sold separately)

Pair the switch with an Insteon Hub (sold separately) to control fixtures from anywhere with a smartphone or tablet (iOS, Android), set timers, and check on status of the switch remotely

Replaces a standard light (neutral wire required) to control fluorescent, LED, incandescent and halogen bulbs, electronic ballasts and more. Familiar toggle style switch with convenient night-light LED.

Neutral wire required; 15 Amps or 480Watt (incandescent). Can be used in a multi-way circuit by pairing two switches together. Trim plate not included.

Communicates via powerline only. Will require Insteon Range Extenders or dual-band Insteon device if using only with battery operated controllers

Video Review Insteon 2466SW ToggleLinc Relay Insteon Remote Control On/Off Switch Non-Dimming, White